
Type Conversion

Type conversion to target type.


TO_BOOLEAN( <expr> )
TO_DATE( <expr> )
TO_DATETIME( <expr> )
TO_TIMESTAMP( <expr> )
TO_FLOAT32( <expr> )
TO_FLOAT64( <expr> )
TO_INT8( <expr> )
TO_INT16( <expr> )
TO_INT32( <expr> )
TO_INT64( <expr> )
TO_NULL( <expr> )
TO_STRING( <expr> )
TO_UINT8( <expr> )
TO_UINT16( <expr> )
TO_UINT32( <expr> )
TO_UINT64( <expr> )

TO_DATETIME( <expr> ) and TO_TIMESTAMP( <expr> ) uses the following rules to automatically determine the unit of time:

  • If the value is less than 31536000000, it is treated as a number of seconds,
  • If the value is greater than or equal to 31536000000 and less than 31536000000000, it is treated as milliseconds.
  • If the value is greater than or equal to 31536000000000, it is treated as microseconds.


SELECT to_boolean('true');
| to_boolean('true') |
| 1 |

SELECT to_date(19109);
| to_date(19109) |
| 2022-04-27 |

SELECT to_datetime(1651036648);
| to_datetime(1651036648) |
| 2022-04-27 05:17:28.000000 |

SELECT to_datetime(1651036648123);
| to_datetime(1651036648123) |
| 2022-04-27 05:17:28.123000 |

SELECT to_datetime(1651036648123456);
| to_datetime(1651036648123456) |
| 2022-04-27 05:17:28.123456 |

SELECT to_float32('1.2');
| to_float32('1.2') |
| 1.2000000476837158 |

SELECT to_float64('1.2');
| to_float64('1.2') |
| 1.2 |

SELECT to_int8('123');
| to_int8('123') |
| 123 |

SELECT to_null(10);
| to_null(10) |
| NULL |

SELECT to_string(10);
| to_string(10) |
| 10 |